簡介:The sixth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim. Season six officially began on September 9, 2012 on Adult Swim, with "Robot Chicken DC Comics Special" and will contain a total of twenty episodes. The first of the 20 episodes are set to air the first of the off...詳情
《機(jī)器肉雞第六季》是導(dǎo)演的一部超級經(jīng)典的美國美國片,該劇講述了:The sixth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United S,想看更多的相關(guān)影視作品,請收藏我們的網(wǎng)站:wap.slaneesh.com